Thursday, October 31, 2019

Kwanzaa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kwanzaa - Essay Example Umoja means unity (Ramirez, 2012). It mandates that every person that traces their descent from Africa must institute and maintain unity among themselves and a goodwill spirit as well. According to Ramirez (2012), it implies instituting family unity, unity across races in which each individual belongs, unity among the African American community and unity with Africa as a motherland. The purpose of this principle is to create a strong bond among the various entities, personalities and characters that share a common ancestral lineage. This is the second principle. It is a Swahili word, which translated means self-determination (Ramirez, 2012). Self-determination depicts the motivation in an individual to support intrinsic or natural tendencies that concerns with effective behavior and healthy mannerism. In this context, Kujichagulia principle indicates the importance of maintaining ones original identity as well as defining oneself and creating a special identity that relates to ones origin (Ramirez, 2012). It demands that the African Americans be proud of themselves and their origin, which ultimately enables them to communicate with sincere joy and pride. It also enables them institute effective interpersonal connection with other ethnicities, races and cultures. Ujima means collective duty and responsibilities (Ramirez, 2012). It directs the African community in working together to produce results that promote the greater welfare of the community. According to Ramirez (2012), it requires the African society to support one another in needy circumstances and in resolving social problems, that one or a few individual cannot address effectively. Ujamaa means cooperative economics (Ramirez, 2012). According to Ramirez (2012), this principle encourages African Americans to support local businesses in their respective communities and to accord preferences for local suppliers and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Egypt and Mesopotamia Comparison Essay Example for Free

Egypt and Mesopotamia Comparison Essay Egypt and Mesopotamia not only differed in their trade and culture, but also in their politics and form of government. Despite the differences though, one is able to notice several similarities between the two civilizations. First of all, Mesopotamia was ruled by kings and queens and nobles could usually attain power as they attained a higher economic status. In Egypt, it was the pharaohs who the authoritive power. In Mesopotamia, the state also had supreme power in the economy and agricultural affairs. Pharaohs were the supreme judges and law makers, as were kings in Mesopotamia. They did have advisors and religion influenced their policies, for example, religion in Egypt is the bureaucracy and actions as did in Mesopotamian civilizations. An example of how morals had an influence in the Mesopotamian laws and policies is Mesopotamian king Hammurabi’s Codes Laws on family relationships. In these codes relied heavily on the principle of lex talionis, or â€Å"the law of retaliation† basically meaning an eye for an eye. Egyptian law was based on truth, order, balance and justice in the universe. This concept allowed that everyone, with the exception of slaves, should be viewed as equals under the law. One can notice, however, that when Egyptians carried out punishment in their people, they would be relatively unfair. Both civilizations had politics centered around cities or populated areas. This is true because areas or centers that were more populated were more likely to support differences in ideologies, so there would tend to be more conflicts requiring a higher authorative power. The people of these two civilizations were pretty loyal to the policies, especially when they considered the consequences that they would face if they didn’t. For pharaohs in Egypt, their successors were usually their offspring and they carried the empire. In many Mesopotamians though, the kings that ruled didn’t necessarily have to be relatives of the previous kings, though they did take the ways of ruling of the previous kings to learn from them and make sure to be more efficient, as did the pharaohs.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Causes of Childcare Policies, Initiatives and Laws

Causes of Childcare Policies, Initiatives and Laws 1. Introduction Childhood, the ten memorable years that fall between infancy and the onset of adolescence probably constitutes the most exciting period of a normal human life. Most men and women have the fondest memories of their childhood years, replete with a million discoveries, of new smells, sights, sounds, touches, and other delightful experiences, of times of safety, comfort, and security. While this is possibly true of most children, in rich and poor societies alike, for many others the world is different; it is unfriendly, hostile, unwelcoming and extremely difficult. The worst affected are those who grow up in poverty and deprivation, or in environments of parental conflict, substance abuse, homelessness, and domestic violence. Very distressingly, childhood problems exist not only in underdeveloped and chronically poor societies, but also in ample measure in richer and advanced countries, like the UK, the USA, and other West European nations. Childhood is a time of phenomenal growth, in all areas of human development, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. Growth and development of children involves the meeting of many diverse needs, in areas like nutrition, accommodation, regulated activity, health and medical care, cleanliness, hygiene, and sanitation, as well as in areas that involve emotional, social and intellectual growth. Thousands of children in the UK grow up in environments and surroundings that are inadequate, in greater or lesser degree, for proper development; inadequacies that are caused by factors like broken homes, divorced parents, single parenting, poverty, deprivation, domestic violence, substance abuse and child abuse. British society has always been concerned about the proper upbringing of its children and its role in the building of national character. The centuries old saying about the battle of Waterloo being won on the playing fields of Eton is a reminder of the preoccupation of the British with proper upbringing of their young. Recent years have seen increasing concern about improving conditions for the development of children, and have led to a number of governmental initiatives that aim to change the scope and ambit of public services committed to helping and improving this area. This essay aims to examine the origin and status of these initiatives, as well as their likely impact, both positive and negative in meeting the developmental needs of children. 2. Commentary Recent times have been ones of intense social change. The period that commenced after the closing of the Second World War has seen widespread social restructuring, caused by a multitude of factors like the splintering of families, the practice of children moving out of parental homes at relatively early ages, increasing divorce rates, sharp boosts in the numbers of working women, the greater incidence of single parenting, and the absence of grandparents in normal family life. These various reasons have quite often led to parents being inadequately informed, or even otherwise, being unable to satisfy the developmental needs of children. While inadequacies like these are common in normal families, they become far more complicated and result in great inequities upon children in environments involving poverty, deprivation, homelessness, substance abuse, domestic violence and child abuse. Increased immigration and the quiet and gradual formation of a multicultural, multiethnic, and multir eligious society have also led to the development of a number of social segments with different levels of affluence, education and ability. All these factors contribute to the challenges faced by society and government in providing all children with a level playing field and in satisfying their developmental needs. The British social structure has possessed, for many years, public infrastructure responsible for providing financial, physical, medical and scholastic support to children, more so for children from disturbed and difficult backgrounds, living in their natural domestic backgrounds, as well as in places like foster homes and institutions. Various governmental agencies like the department of health, the NHS, and local authorities, work with the help of paid and voluntary social workers to ensure assessment of needs and appropriate action. While the level and efficacy of the support provided to children had always been a source of concern in the past for most citizens, disturbed by occasional media reports of the unsatisfactory state of affairs, matters came to a head with the occurrence of two deaths, 13 year old Aliyah Ismail, in 1989, and 8 year old Victoria Climbie in 2000. Both Aliyah and Victoria, children of immigrants met horrific deaths, despite the full knowledge and involvemen t of social workers in their cases. Aliyah, in and out of several foster homes and institutions, died of a methadone overdose in a decrepit building in Camden Town, whereas Victoria Climbie died after receiving severe physical injuries from her aunt, who was then her carer, and her male companion. At the time of death, her body bore marks of more than 120 separate injuries. The resultant media uproar and several inquiries, commissioned by local bodies and the government, and conducted by eminent and qualified experts, laid the blame for the episodes upon the inadequate working of the social care infrastructure. Aliyah moved more than 60 times, between relatives, homes, and institutions, in the few years she was in care. (Brindle, 1999) The Blackburn report, commissioned by the Harrow local council, focussed on her distressing life, under the country’s programme for children in care, and largely indicted the functioning of the social care system. Victoria Climbie’s death caused even greater anguish and led to a number of investigations by Lord Laming at the specific instance of the government. The investigations and the ensuing report, which laid bare the functioning of the agencies involved in Victoria’s care, revealed that social workers were fully aware of Victoria’s condition and ignored twelve separate occasions to give h er protection and relief, led to widespread anguish, a national resolve to take better care of the country’s young, and finally to a number of initiatives aimed to ensure better care and development of children living in the UK. The key message running through the report is that individual failings, poor standards and ineffective systems are the consequence of a failure in leadership. Senior managers in all agencies, and elected members, are responsible, and thus accountable for this failure. Lord Laming refers to the principle failure to protect Victoria was as a result of widespread organisational malaise. (The Victoria Climbie Enquiry, 2003) While Lord Laming’s report catalysed governmental and public action in the last three years, the issue of addressing children’s needs adequately had first engaged lawmakers nearly twenty years back, when deliberations on the issue led to the enactment of The Children Act, 1989. The legislation, which came into effect in 1993 aimed to radically change the existing approach to meet the needs of children by (a) making children’s welfare a priority, (b) recognising that children grow up best in their families, whenever possible, (c) ensuring the duty of local authorities to provide services for children and families in need, (d) promoting partnership between children, parents, and local authorities, improving the way courts deal with children, and (e) protecting the rights of children. (Children Act 1989) Various child support initiatives owe their origins to the 1989 legislation. A further flurry of activity occurred after the publication of the Kennedy Report in 1989, and the Laming Report in 2003, on the deficiencies that existed in areas of health, education, and social support for all children, especially for those who live in difficult circumstances, either in their domestic environments, or with others. The publication of these reports, discussions in the media and various public forums, and governmental initiatives led to the preparation and publication of the Green Paper â€Å"Every Child Matters† in 2003, which outlined a new approach to the well being of children from birth to 19 and aimed to achieve 5 desired outcomes, namely (a) be healthy, (b) stay safe, (c) enjoy and achieve, (d) make a positive contribution and (e) achieve economic well being. (Every child matters: change for children, 2007) The enactment of The Children Act 2004 and initiatives in various areas aim to transform children’s services by increasing opportunities and reducing risk, as far as possible. The department of health, the department of education, the NHS, and local authorities will work in tandem to achieve this objective. All local authorities now need to work with partners, especially schools, and the NHS, to locate the needs of children and take appropriate action. A number of successive documents detail the approach required by these authorities. Three important initiatives expected to play important roles in the furtherance of child welfare objectives are the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYP), the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) and the National Services Framework (NSF) The NSF for children, published in September 2004, the first such effort in he world, determines standards for children’s health and social services for children, young people and pregnant women, as well as the coordination of these services with education. It is a key delivery mechanism of the â€Å"be healthy† outcome of the â€Å"Every Child Matters† programme and aims to bring about a fundamental change in these services by attempting ensure that their design and delivery focus on the ascertained needs of children and their families. The programme, scheduled to run for ten years, expects to achieve targeted standards for ensuring fair, high quality and integrated health and social care from pregnancy, right through to adulthood. (National Service Framework Documents, 2006) The standards are divided into three parts, part one focussing on services for children and young people, part two dealing with particular groups of children, and part three with maternity services. While full implementation could take upto ten years for implementation, the framework plans to increasingly assess the NHS and local authorities on the quality of their services and the progress achieved in meeting the standards. (National Service Framework Documents, 2006) Criticism of the National Service Framework has ranged from the use of exhaustive recording for surveillance purposes, to issues like over insitutionalisation and consequent dilution of medical care, and the impracticality of cooperative working on such large scales. The conceptualisation and implementation of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF is one of the distinguishing elements of the overarching â€Å"Every Child Matters† initiative. Truly ambitious in its scope, the CAF aims to enable all people working with children, young people and their families, to evaluate distinct needs of different children and families. Once the CAF is fully in use, children’s centres or schools will arrange for most assessments, and will thereby help in identifying children with additional needs before they become serious concerns. Situations that could possibly need the use of CAF include poor nutrition or ill health, substance misuse, anxiety or depression, problematic housing, poor attendance or exclusion from school, overt parental conflict, lack of parental support, disruptive or anti social behaviour, and involvement, or the risk of involvement, in offences. The CAF will obviously not be suitable for the majority of children who make normal p rogress through the universally available services. However, it could really help in identifying the needs of many troubled children at stages where corrective action and appropriate support could change future outcomes very positively. (Common Assessment Framework, 2007) The Children and Young People programme aims to reduce underachievement and improve life chances of children through a set of measures that include taking measures for extended schools, extended early years, looked after children and vulnerable young adults, youth, child protection and children with special needs and disabilities. The programme plans to further educational development and improve health, well being and social inclusion through integrated delivery of support and services. The extended schools concept forms the core of the CYP package by providing activities that essentially look after children for greater hours and effectively reduce the load on parents. Extended Schools will provide activities based on their particular circumstances and needs, but taken from a ‘menu’ which will include breakfast clubs, after-school study support and after-school youth, sport and leisure activities; programmes for parents and community use of schools. The focus will be on supporting learning, creativity and healthy lifestyles, including tackling obesity in children. (Children and Young People Funding Package, 2006) The chief criticisms of the CYP programme focus on the excessive local planning and decision-making, as well as political initiatives that revolve around doing things to young people rather than giving them, and when they are too young, their parents â€Å"the freedom, responsibility and tools to do things for themselves.† (Warpole, 2004) The importance of engaging young people more effectively to participate in all activities is thought to be important by many researchers. 3. Conclusion The UK is going through an epochal change in the development of its young. The planned changes, if successfully implemented, could well result in the creation of a much more competent, tolerant and well adjusted society. The enactment of the Children Bill of 2004, and the slew of initiatives, which apart from the discussed issues, also include the formation of Children’s Trusts, and the Sure Start programme, aim to take the benefits of health, housing, education, social and emotional support, to every child in the nation. Delivered through cooperative inter agency working and focussed on the needs of children and their families, the initiatives include precautionary measures to locate children with problematic needs that need to be addressed early enough in life. While the advantages of the initiatives are enormous, and painstakingly designed to help millions of children, the aim of delivering all these services, through state and local agencies, raises concerns that could wel l turn out to be important. State agencies are notorious for evolving into bureaucratic, system driven, and uncaring, irrespective institutions, of country, society or work ethic of the people. The UK has had its own unhappy experiences with state controlled corporations, as well as with the NHS. The idea of the state, albeit with a certain extent of private participation, taking over a major portion of the responsibility of bringing up children could be fraught with dangers that may arise out of improper and inadequate implementation. It needs remembering that the Aliyah Ismail and Victoria Climbie incidents happened not because of the absence of state support, but despite it. Excessive state control also leads to unnecessary documentation, possibilities of surveillance, and the need for a control and audit mechanism, all of which work against the main objectives of programmes under implementation. Now that the programmes are under way, the challenge will come in their implementation, and in ensuring that they meet their objectives. Bibliography Brindle, D, 1999, Drug death girl shuttled among carers, the Guardian, Retrieved April 30, 2007 from,,201042,00.html Children Act, 1989, Retrieved April 30, 2007 from Children in Care: now and then, 2000, BBC News, Retrieved April 30, 2007 from Child Development Chart book, 2004, The Commonwealth Fund, retrieved April 30, 2007 from Children are unbeatable: alliance, 2007, Retrieved April 30, 2007 from Children and young people funding package, 2006, Department of education, Retrieved April 30, 2007 from Common assessment Framework, 2007, Every child matters, Retrieved April 30, 2007 from Christensen, P. OBrien, M. (Eds.)., 2002, Children in the City: Home, Neighborhood, and Community. London: Routledge. Every child matters: Change for children, 2007, National literacy trust, retrieved April 30, 2007 from Hallett, C. Prout, A. (Eds.). (2003). Hearing the Voices of Children: Social Policy for a New Century. New York: Routledge. Hocutt, A. M., Mckinney, J. D., Montague, M., 2002, The Impact of Managed Care on Efforts to Prevent Development of Serious Emotional Disburbance in Young Children. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 13(1), 51+. Jacobs, J. E. Klaczynski, P. A. (Eds.)., 2005, The Development of Judgment and Decision Making in Children and Adolescents. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. National Service Framework for children, young people and maternity services, 2007, Department for health, Retrieved April 30, 2007 from Reeves, R., 2003, The Battle for Childhood: We All Love Children; Even Politicians Do. Yet We Are in Danger of Taking from Them Everything That Is Most Precious Freedom, Health and Happiness. New Statesman, 132, 18+. The Victoria Climbie Enquiry, 2003, Retrieved April 30, 2007 from Warpole, K, 2005, play, participation and potential, groundwork, Retrieved April 30, 2007 from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

Stephen Crane established the naturalist style in literature, where concepts from real life are reconstructed in a fictional context to exemplify the plight of those trapped in the lower dregs of society. Naturalistic writers depict their characters as individuals oppressed by their environment; their acts are based upon their need to survive and the social order they fall into. The ideals of naturalism claim that human beings are not free, but that their actions are controlled and pre-determined mostly by the setting they inhabit and the natural or learned traits they possess. Keith Fudge, author of â€Å"Sisterhood Born from Seduction: Susanna Rowson’s Charlotte Temple, and Stephen Crane’s Maggie Johnson† states that â€Å"Maggie: A Girl of the Streets† has been recognized as â€Å"Naturalism’s first novel† (Fudge 43). The scientific philosophy comprised in naturalism originated from Charles Darwin’s theories of evolution that claim that only the â€Å"fittest† will survive. Throughout the novel, numerous degrees of survival and extinction are depicted; whether it is by Jimmie, Mary, Nell, or Maggie herself. Maggie: A Girl of the Streets is indeed a naturalistic tale of both physical and mental survival. Crane’s use of setting, tone, characters, and concepts of Darwinism illustrate this unequivocally. I will begin by fleshing out the concepts of Darwinism and Social Darwinism in the context of the novel and its relation to naturalism. Clarence Darrow spoke this famous line that exemplifies Social Darwinism’s philosophy, which is universally misattributed to Charles Darwin, â€Å"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change†. The environment is of significant importance to s... ... of moral sense; just as it exist in the Galapagos Islands of Darwin. Crane inserts isolated statements which serve to reinforce the Darwinian aspects of the novella. There is a zeitgeist of natural history that runs throughout. The matter of fact retelling of dreadful events, such as when Crane writes, â€Å"The babe, Tommie, died. He went away in an insignificant coffin, his small waxen hand clutching a flower that the girl, Maggie, had stolen from an Italian, she and Jimmie lived.† helps illuminate this point. The first example of Naturalist literature, this novella is original in its approach to literary theory; it is not overly explicit nor does it call for change or revolution in a Marxist fashion, it is unadorned and free of opinion. Maggie: Girl a Girl of the Streets solely recounts what is observable and the rules that are known to be true in the natural world.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Case Study You Are Your Own Worst Enemy Essay

Gen Y are shown to be a substantial security risk to organizations because Gen Y’s download and use non-sanctioned IT Tools while at work or using company technology and often compromising software like instant messaging software and open-source technologies. What’s happening is quite simple, but very dangerous. Having/using them on company technology opens a door for hackers and data thieves to enter unnoticed into your organization’s information assets. But Gen Y are not even aware that they are causing potential compromises. Question and Answer( Legend:Q=Question,A=Answer) Q1. Think of yourself as a business manager. You have employees you supervise and you are responsible for ensuring that they meet daily work quotas. But, you find they are spending a couple of hours per day shopping online, chatting with friends through instant messaging, and so on. How do you motivate your employees to perform their work? How do you restrict them from non-work-related activities without creating a stifling, boring, and dull workplace? A1. As a manager, I am responsible and takes charge of all the activities that involve in my company and it is very necessary for me to have an employee which has a knowledge to perform and listen to their task properly and willing to abide the rules and regulation of my company. Discipline is a must. They should focus to their job assignment and use their time properly especially during working hours. And as a Manager I must know what the different types of Managerial functions . And one of it is directing that refers to motivation, communication and leadership. I am the Manager so I will be the one to motivate my employees by communicating them with the power of leadership. To motivate them to perform their work I will give them incentives or rewards to make them productive. I may increase their wages to encourage them to perform their task well. By restricting them I think will not work because their life are attach to the technology – that most of the time of their work they are in front of the computer that maybe will tempt to open a social networking site or shopping site that is not related to their work. I will not totally restrict them but instead I will allow them to do their non-work-related activities during breaktime. They deserve a little break that will make them calm and not so stressful. I will take a survey from them that deals with knowing what they would suggest in order to have a pleasant workplace that will affect them in a good way. In that, my employees will be encourage to work well. Q2. The case study mentioned the need for employee education. What elements would you include in an education program for helping employees better understand the dangers in which they place the organization’s IT infrastructure by using technology the wrong way while at work? A2. It is better to conduct an orientation the moment that they are employed in the company. This will help them to have a better understanding regarding to their task such as the general rules and regulations and the proper using of the IT infrastructure of the company. Using technology in the wrong way while at work will cause a great damage and failure to do their task in the company. Sometimes it will be lost of the company and their reputation will destroy. And also I can include short cases of organizations that have been compromised because of unsafe software, having a fellow Gen Y person make the presentation, showing safe computing habits.I will alsoinclude the things that can happen in the organization if the employees are continuous in doing things online that are not related in their work, also the harmful effects on it not just on organization but on them also that they will no longer focused on their work responsibilities and they taking their work at risk that they can be fired and out of the company.. Q3.Beyond the compromises caused to IT infrastructure, what do you see wrong with shopping online while at work? Is this illegal or unethical, perhaps both, or neither? A3.Nothing is wrong about the shopping online because it’s your money that you spending with but during your work it is both illegal and at the same time unethical.It is said to be illegal because before working at the company, there is a certain contract that they should sign stated that they should abide the rules and regulations of the company, including: the proper used of their time for their work and do their task without doing unnecessary actions such as chatting with the others. Also, it is unethical because it could be unfair to the others who were doing their task properly while the others are just wasting their time, having their salary doing wrong things. You employed in the organization to work, you are subjected to work with all of your knowledge, skill and focused because your being paid by the company and doing something not related to your work is not good. It’s definitely grounds for dismissal from employment.But then, people may or may not see it as u nethical, because so many people do it. Q4.Read the acceptable use policy (AUP) for your school. Are you doing anything with your school’s technology that violates the AUP? If so, what is it? How prevalent among other students is the violation? Does widespread violation somehow or another make it okay? A4.(Since our school have no AUP, answers are based on computer laboratory ordinance,rules and regulations).Yes, sometimes I play games installed in the computer which is strictly prohibited based on the ordinance issued by th President.It is very common since students have saved games on their flash drives and through this they can install and play games they want anytime but they make sure that they do this in the absence of their teachers.No, because even violation is widespreaded after the next day they will do it again and again. Q5.Why do you think Gen Y is being singled out? Wouldn’t it make sense that people in other age groups also put a company at risk by misusing technology? What is so different and unique about Gen Y? A5.Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Gen Y is the digital generation, and thus uses technology more, especially those types of tools that can compromise security. Yes, other age groups misuse technology but not to the extent of Gen Y. As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation. Millennials grew up with easy access to computers, constant connection to the internet, and smart phones in-hand. They’re accustomed to using technology in every part of their lives and fully believe in its power to make their lives easier. This generation dreams without limits. They’re in search of two things – money and happiness. Q6.Would you consider working for a company that prohibited access to social networking sites, gaming, blogs, and online shopping while at work? Why or why not? How about in the defense industry? In certain places within defense organizations, you’re not allowed to carry cell phones and the like because you can take photos and videos with them. Do you want to work there? Why or why not? A6.Yes. Working in the company that prohibited access to social networking sites, gaming, and online shopping is something gives discipline to the employee regarding doing something not related to their work and also these things must be done not in your workplace but in your own place like in your house and in your own computer. In the company that cell phones and other similar to it that can take pictures and videos are not allowed, why or why not work in this kind if organization? For me it’s alright ,we all know that cell phone is convenience way to communicate to others most of the time in emergency, so not carrying cell phone is hard for me to follow but if the company is great and there’s a lot of benefits or good salary for their employees I will, they just do it for their own safety.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

9 Tips for Successful Textbook Adoption

9 Tips for Successful Textbook Adoption Textbooks are vital tools within the realm of education and textbook adoption is an essential part of the process. The textbook industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Textbooks are to teachers and students as a bible is to pastors and their congregations. The issue with textbooks is that they quickly become outdated as standards and content continually change. For example, the impending Common Core State Standards are resulting in a massive shift in focus amongst textbook manufacturers. To offset this, many states adopt textbooks in a five-year cycle rotating amongst the core subjects. It is essential that the people choosing the textbooks for their district choose the right textbook because they will be stuck with their choice for at least five years. The following information will guide you through the textbook adoption process on your way to choosing the right textbook for your needs. Form a Committee Many districts have curriculum directors that lead the textbook adoption process, but sometimes this process falls back on the school principal. In any case, the person put in charge of this process should put a committee of 5-7 members together to assist in the adoption process. The committee should be made up of the curriculum director, building principal, several teachers who teach the subject up for adoption, and a parent or two. The committee will be charged with finding the best textbook that meets the overall district’s needs. Obtain Samples The first duty of the committee is to solicit samples from each of the textbook vendors that have been approved by your state department. It is critical that you only select approved vendors. Textbook companies will send you a comprehensive set of samples that include both teacher and student materials across all grade levels for the subject being adopted. Be sure to have a place set aside with lots of room to store your samples. Once you have finished previewing the material, you can typically return the material back to the company at no charge. Compare Content to Standards Once the committee has received all their requested samples, they should begin to go through the scope and sequence looking for how the textbook aligns to current standards. No matter how good a textbook is if it does not align to the standards your district uses, then it becomes obsolete. This is the most crucial step in the textbook adoption process. It is also the most tedious and time-consuming step. Each member will go through each book, making comparisons, and taking notes. Finally, the entire committee will look at each individual’s comparisons and cut out any textbook that doesn’t align at that point. Teach a Lesson The teachers on the committee should pick a lesson from each perspective textbook and use that book to teach the lesson. This allows teachers to get a feel for the material, to see how it motivates their students, how their students respond, and to make comparisons about each product through the application. The teachers should make notes throughout the process highlighting things they liked and things they didn’t. These findings will be reported to the committee. Narrow It Down At this point, the committee should have a solid feel for all the different textbooks available. The committee should be able to narrow it down to their top three choices. With only three choices, the committee should be able to narrow their focus and are on their way to deciding which is the best choice for their district. Bring in Individual Sales Representatives The sales representatives are the true experts within their respective textbooks. Once you have narrowed your choices, you can invite the remaining three company’s sales representatives to give a presentation to your committee members. This presentation will allow committee members to gain more in-depth information from an expert. It also allows the committee members to ask questions that they may have about a specific textbook. This part of the process is about giving committee members more information so that they can make an informed decision. Compare Costs The bottom line is that school districts operate on a tight budget. This means that the cost of textbooks is likely already in the budget. It important that the committee knows they cost of each textbook as well as the district’s budget for these textbooks. This plays a crucial part of choosing textbooks. If the committee deems a particular textbook as the best option, but the cost of purchasing those books is $5000 over the budget, they probably should consider the next option. Compare Free Materials Every textbook company offers â€Å"free materials† if you adopt their textbook. These free materials are of course not â€Å"free† as you likely pay for them in some manner, but they are valuable to your district. Many textbooks now offer materials that can be incorporated with classroom technology such as smart boards. They often offer free workbooks for the life of the adoption. Each company puts their own spin on the free materials, so the committee needs to look at each available option in this area as well. Come to a Conclusion The final charge of the committee is to decide which textbook they should adopt. The committee will put in many hours over the course of several months and should have a clear idea of that point as to which option is their best option. The main thing is that they make the right choice because they will likely be stuck with their choice for several years to come.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ageism paper

Ageism paper Ageism paper Ageism Ageism is a stereotype that still goes on today. Ageism is making assumptions or stereotypes about a person based on age. They can be either casual or systematic. Kendra Cherry ( Ageism is a type of discrimination that involves prejudice against people based upon their age. Similar to racism and sexism, ageism involves holding negative stereotypes about people of different ages. The term ageism was first used by gerontologist Robert N. Butler to describe the discrimination of older adults. Today, the tern is often applied to any type of age-based discrimination, whether it involves prejudice against children, teenagers, adults or senior-citizens. Ageism is not only subject to just elderly people, but children as well. Children are discriminated by when the government doesn't allow them to vote. Children are also discriminated by when they are not allowed to drive until they get to 16. The people that are judged most are definitely the children and the e lderly, because most people think they are not capable of looking after themselves. That is also the reason why there are babysitting services and elderly communities. Dealing with elderly people is going to be a growing problem as the baby boomers start to get older. The problem is that there is not that much government help for these problems. Chris Roles (Age International) As the global population ages, there is an urgent need to reassess what role individual societies give to older people to ensure they are able to enjoy a decent standard of living and can continue to contribute to society as long as they wish. Shunting older people to the sidelines of our communities is not only unjust, it makes little sense for countries to miss out on the huge opportunities that longer life brings, and the asset that older people represent. Many older people continue working and also pass on important knowledge and skills to younger generations, and others act as carers to their family – in sub-Saharan Africa, 40% of Aids orphans are looked after by their grandparents. Ageism is prominent around the world. In most countries it is still considered acceptable to deny people work, access to healthcare, education or the right to participate in government purely because of their age. What Dr. Roles is trying to do is explain how ageism has effected so many of the important people in our life. One important problem that society today is dealing with is aging well. Dr. Jocelyn Angus (Victoria University) At the beginning of the 21st century, the new mantra- â€Å"successful† and â€Å"resourceful† aging- is used interchangeably and intoned often unreflectively by a society eager to find ways to reduce aged-related losses. Yet despite numerous empirical studies and public health promotion strategies directed at ways of aging well, negative images of aging have an enduring vitality. This article examine sageism in a range of political, social, and cultural manifestos that have a productive role in encoding tacit assumptions and stereotypes about older people’s lives. Particular attention is given to the pervasive use of the concept of â€Å"dependency,† a stereotypic and productive ageist mechanism that continues to infiltrate what are arguably more inclusive strategies directed toward a global model of aging well. The authors explore some potential strategies to combat stereotypes and warn that aging well initiatives based on individualism and â€Å"self-responsibility† risk reproducing existing power relations that continue to

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Study Guide for the Medieval Morality Play Everyman

Study Guide for the Medieval Morality Play 'Everyman' Written in England during the 1400s, The Summoning of Everyman (commonly known as Everyman) is a Christian morality play. No one knows who wrote the play. Historians have noted that monks and priests often wrote these types of dramas. Basic Plot God decides that Everyman (a character who represents an average, everyday human) has become too obsessed with wealth and material possessions. Therefore, Everyman must be taught a lesson in piety. And who better to teach a life lesson than a character named Death? Man Is Unkind God’s chief complaint is that humans are ignorantly leading sinful lives, unaware that Jesus died for their sins. Everyman has been living for his own pleasure, forgetting about the importance of charity and the potential threat of eternal hellfire. Upon God’s bidding, Death summons Everyman to take a pilgrimage to the Almighty. When Everyman realizes that the Grim Reaper has called upon him to face God and give a reckoning of his life, he tries to bribe Death to â€Å"defer this matter till another day.† The bargaining doesn’t work. Everyman must go before God, never to return to Earth again. Death does say that the hapless hero can take along anyone or anything that may benefit him during this spiritual trial. Friends and Family Are Fickle After Death leaves Everyman to prepare for his day of reckoning (the moment in which God judges him), Everyman approaches a character named Fellowship, a supporting role that represents Everyman’s friends. At first, Fellowship is full of bravado. When Fellowship learns that Everyman is in trouble, he promises to stay with him until the problem is resolved. However, as soon as Everyman reveals that Death has summoned him to stand before God, Fellowship ditches the poor guy. Kindred and Cousin, two characters that represent family relationships, make similar promises. Kindred declares, â€Å"in wealth and woe we will with you hold, for over his kin a man may be bold.† But once Kindred and Cousin realize Everyman’s destination, they back out. One of the funniest moments in the play is when Cousin refuses to go because he has a cramp in his toe. The overall message of the play’s first half is that relatives and friends (as reliable as they may seem) pale in comparison to the steadfast companionship of God. Goods vs. Good Deeds After getting rejected by fellow humans, Everyman turns his hopes to inanimate objects. He talks to a character named â€Å"Goods,† a role which represents Everyman’s material possessions and wealth. Everyman pleads for Goods to assist him in his hour of need, but they offer no comfort. In fact, the Goods chide Everyman, suggesting that he should have admired material objects moderately ​and that he should have given some of his goods to the poor. Not wanting to visit God (and subsequently be sent to hell), Goods abandons Everyman.​​ Finally, Everyman meets a character who will genuinely care for his plight. Good-Deeds is a character who symbolizes the acts of charity and kindness performed by Everyman. However, when the audience first meets Good-Deeds, she is laying on the ground, severely weakened by Everyman’s many sins. Enter Knowledge and Confession Good-Deeds introduces Everyman to her sister, Knowledge. This is another friendly character who will provide good advice to the protagonist. Knowledge serves as an important guide for Everyman, instructing him to seek out another character: Confession. Everyman is led to Confession. Readers expecting to hear a bunch of scandalous â€Å"dirt† on the main character, expecting him to beg forgiveness, or hoping he will at least apologize for whatever sins he has committed will be surprised here. Instead, Everyman asks for his vices to be wiped clean. Confession says that with penance, Everyman’s spirit may become clean once more. What does penance mean? In this  play, it means that Everyman undergoes a severe and purifying form of physical punishment. After he suffers, Everyman is amazed to discover that Good-Deeds is now free and strong, ready to stand by his side during his moment of judgment. The Five-Wits After this purging of the soul, Everyman is ready to meet his maker. Good-Deeds and Knowledge tell Everyman to call upon â€Å"three persons of great might† and his Five-Wits (his senses) as counselors. Everyman calls forth the characters Discretion, Strength, Beauty, and Five-Wits. Combined, they represent the core of his physical human experience. Unlike the first half of the play when he begged for help from his friends and family, Everyman is now relying on himself. However, even though he receives some good advice from each entity, he realizes that they will not go the distance as he journeys closer to his meeting with God. Like previous characters, these entities promise to stay by his side. Yet, when Everyman decides that it is time for his body to physically die (perhaps as part of his penance), Beauty, Strength, Discretion, and the Five-Wits abandon him. Beauty is the first one to take a hike, disgusted by the idea of lying in a grave. The others follow suit, and Everyman is left alone with Good-Deeds and Knowledge once again. Everyman Departs Knowledge explains that he won’t be going into the â€Å"heavenly sphere† with Everyman, but will stay with him until he departs from his physical body. This seems to imply that the soul does not retain its Earthly knowledge. However, Good-Deeds (as promised) will journey with Everyman. At the end of the play, Everyman commends his soul to God. After his departure, an angel arrives to announce that Everyman’s soul has been taken from his body and presented before God. A final narrator enters to explain to the audience that all should heed the lessons of Everyman: that everything in life is fleeting, with the exception of acts of kindness and charity. Overall Theme As one might expect from a morality play, Everyman has a very clear moral, one that is delivered at the beginning, middle, and end of the play. The blatantly religious message is simple: Earthly comforts are fleeting. Only good deeds and God’s grace can provide salvation. The lessons of the play are delivered in the form of allegorical characters, each one representing a variety of abstract concepts such as good deeds, material possessions, and knowledge. Who Wrote Everyman? Many morality plays were a collaborative effort by clergymen and residents (often tradesmen and guild members) of an English town. Over the years, lines would be changed, added, and deleted. Therefore, Everyman is probably the result of multiple authors and decades of literary evolution. Historical Context When Everyman summons the Five-Wits, a fascinating  discussion about the importance of the priesthood follows. FIVE-WITS:For priesthood exceedeth all other thing;To us Holy Scripture they do teach,And converteth man from sin heaven to reach;God hath to them more power given,Than to any angel that is in heaven According to the Five-Wits, priests are more powerful than angels. This reflects the prevalent role of priests in medieval society. In most European villages, the clergy were the moral leaders. However, the character of Knowledge mentions that priests are not perfect, and some of them have committed egregious sins. The discussion concludes with a general endorsement of the church as the surest path to salvation.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Historically, attitudes toward alcohol cannot be separated from Essay

Historically, attitudes toward alcohol cannot be separated from ideologies and attitudes toward other social issues. To wh - Essay Example For instance, the role or significance of alcohol has changed extensively while the ways in which it is made have remained relatively rigid. This paper outlines that attitudes towards the consumption of alcohol are linked to specific attitudes and ideologies in the society. Alcohol consumption has been taken to imply other social perspectives in different cultures and eras. This will be expounded upon in the paper to identify what influenced these perspectives and what the consequences were to the consumption of liquor. The perspectives that some may have held towards alcohol may differ to those of other in another culture or within the same culture but with different views. Alcohol and Social Occasions Many Christians or those knowledgeable about the bible may be aware of an occasion where Jesus turned water into wine. The occasion was a wedding and the people had run out of wine. This had the potency to ruin the party. In history, alcohol has been associated with celebrations parti cularly those fully endorsed by the society such as weddings or the birth of a baby. The society would come together during such occasions and drink together, an action that had a deeper meaning that many would apprehend today. It was a way of bringing the community closer, in a way that it would bond and become more united towards achieving tasks. In those times, the community worked as one towards performing specific roles which may be equated to the family set up today. Consumption of alcohol was not as straight forward as it is today. It had to be consented by the â€Å"form of leadership† in the community and done in public by all those permitted to drink. This usually took place during occasions that had the theme of celebration such as after a hefty harvest or during a union between a man and a woman. It was hence impossible to separate such occasions and alcohol, particularly so because it was preserved for such occasions. People would be waiting for them to come and would not miss. It also performed pivotal roles in bringing together the community, this one of the most important unit that determined prosperity or failure. A community that would not come together to drink and rejoice after a favorable occasion was feeble and would not accomplish much. Alcohol and Social Status As stated earlier, the decision to brew beer (one of the most common form of alcohol at the time along with grape wine) was made by the community. This is not to say that the entire community would deliberate over the matter, rather the select few with the obligation to made decisions for the community as a whole. This meant that these individuals had a higher power (status) as compared to the ordinary civilians. This community set up is mutual to many cultures, which means that this group of was given different names and obligations. What is common in almost all cases is that social gatherings such as the one that would require the provision of alcohol were deliberated by these individuals. It is factual to assert that alcohol was largely linked to social class. Decisions on whether to drink, even on an individual level were dependent on whether those of a higher social status agreed to the idea. As this form of community slowly disintegrated and alcohol was incessantly availed to everyone at a cost, only those of the upper social class that could afford it continued to control it. In some way, it may be viewed that much did not change. Alcohol continued to be

Friday, October 18, 2019

Massage Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Massage Therapy - Essay Example The value of a massage to your overall wellbeing cannot be understated. But it is important to take the steps necessary to achieve the best possible results. This may mean different things depending on the purpose of your massage. If the massage is meant to simply relax and rejuvenate, it is helpful to at least drink plenty of water before and after the massage in order to maintain proper hydration of the muscles. Proper nutrition is also helpful in getting the most out of a massage. Being weighed down by heavy, greasy foods is never a good idea from a health perspective, and even less so before or after a massage. The best dieting approach is one that assists the massage as a tool to help purge the body of toxins. That means eating plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. If your massage is treatment for muscular or other physical ailments, it is often a good idea to exercise and stretch muscles before hand, which increases circulation and aids the therapist's e ffort to accurately target and loosen problem muscle groups.

The necessary analysis to decide whether to invest in Target Case Study

The necessary analysis to decide whether to invest in Target - Case Study Example Target Plc is not a new name in the retail, food and ingredients industry and is considered analogous to quality and premium branding. The company is a diversified conglomerate having five major strategic segments which are sugar, agriculture, retail, grocery and ingredients. As per the latest financial statements of the company for the annual year 2012, the company is operating in almost all of the major cities of the United States. The vision and mission statement of the company is to achieve strong leadership in the course of business which is sustainable and long lasting. The company always strives to provide quality products to the individuals and other consumers and to become a necessary brand in the people’s day to day active life. Financial Highlight [Annual report Target, 2012 , Pg2] As apparent form the above financial highlight, the company presents a strong financial outlook and appears to be a lucrative company for the investors to invest in. The company has vario us revenue centers through which the company generates most of its revenues. During the financial year 2012, the highest earning revenue center for the company was heath, beauty and households which constituted about 25% of the total revenue of the company. Evaluation of American Retail Market The growth in the American retail market for the financial year 2012 saw an escalation as compared to the previous financial years. During every quarter of the financial year, the retail industry in USA experienced a growth of 1%. The analysts are of the view that this particular growth in the industry is a definite positive sign if it is compared to the last two financial years. The retailing conditions in the past two years remained quite adverse for the companies but now the situation appears fruitful and lucrative for the companies. A Comparison of financial year 2012 with the financial year of 2011 presents that fact that the volume of sales in the retail industry in USA increased by 2.7 percent. Changes in reported retail sales between August 2011 and August 2012 standard reporting periods (by size of business)       Pre-dominantly food Non-specialized pre-dominantly non-food Textile, clothing and footwear House-hold goods Other non-food Non-store retailing Pre-dominantly automotive fuel Total All Retailing including automotive fuel                               increase 107 32 138 72 375 64 23 811 All decrease 97 33 104 77 306 46 50 713    Total 204 65 242 149 681 110 73 1524                               Large increase 66 32 110 42 158 30 n.a. 438 decrease 56 33 73 47 107 19 n.a. 335    Total 122 65 183 89 265 49 n.a. 773 Small increase 41 n.a. 28 30 217 34 23 373 and decrease 41 n.a. 31 30 199 27 50 378 medium Total 82 n.a. 59 60 416 61 73 751 [ (1999) Retail Sales: August, 2012] With respect to the sports merchandise business, there were certain hardships that were faced by the retailer. During the year 201 2, costs of both cotton and fuel increased, particularly of fuel which resulted in an escalation in the manufacturing cost of the merchandise. Target has in place an import team which constantly monitors the fluctuation in prices of cotton. For the purpose of reducing the cost of fuel, the retailers are now acquiring the help from the

Patch work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Patch work - Essay Example Additionally, the company uses marginal costing on sales/production basis to determine the cost of the variables whereas the fixed costs do not depend on the level of activity. This pitch will play a vital role to the investors in persuading them to finance the new product. Turnover measures the ability of a company to use its assets in generating sales (Wild, Bernstein &Subramayan, 2001). there are various turnover ratios that are useful to the investors which include accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover. The accounts receivable turnover of 0.94 shows that Martez Company is more efficient in managing its credit policy thus eliminating the possibility of realizing bad debts. This is a good indicator to the investors as they are assured that their resources will not be lost to the debtors who refuse to pay. Another turnover ratio is the inventory turnover ratio which is a ratio that shows the efficiency of the company in selling its products so as to generate sales that is the number of times that the inventories are converted into sales within a year. An inventory turnover of 1.25 implies that the Martez Company is very efficient in converting the inventory at hand into sales and therefore more revenue will be generated as shown in the forecast. The investors will be interested to see this forecast of the inventory turnover so as to know the how efficient Martez is in generating revenues. Profit margin is a profitability ratio that shows how effective the cost of production is controlled in relation to distribution and administration expenses and also the financing cost (Eriotis, 2005). One way of measuring the value of the business by using the assets on the balance sheet (Meigs & Meigs, 1993). The total value of the assets on the balance sheet are regarded as the company’s investment and therefore showing the true value of the company. Martez Company has total assets amounting to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Modern Slavery and 4-1-9 Fraud Schemes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modern Slavery and 4-1-9 Fraud Schemes - Essay Example Some of these are a) slaves are available at cheap rate which ranges from USD 80 to USD 5000 or even more based on the quality of slaves b) bonded labors c) Forced prostitution d) Forced Marriage / Child Marriage e) Forced beggary (Symons, 2012). The major victims of slave trade are poor and downtrodden people of the society. Most of them are from destabilized states at the hands of war, natural calamities, poverty and those who suffered at the hands of civil unrest / civil wars. Q: Why is the scam letters referred to as â€Å"4-1-9† schemes?   The scam is referred to as â€Å"4-1-9† due to application of given modalities by the scammers. In addition, the article that deals with fraud as per Nigerian law and criminal code is numbered as 419 due to which, the Nigerian frauds are termed as 4-1-9 schemes (Dillon, 2008): a) Sending letters / faxes or emails to the victims by the impersonators posing themselves as representatives of foreign government agencies. b) Fake age ncies offered victims millions of dollars to deposit in their personal accounts by way of â€Å"over invoice contracts†. c) Encouraged victims to travel to the destined places to complete the transactions. d) Scammers asked victims to provide blank letterhead of their company that enumerates phone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses to correspond. e) Scammers send number of fake official documents which look as good as authenticated. By way of this technique, the company convinced victims to pay off the upfront fees/charges in advance. f) The documents that relates to â€Å"419† schemes include: a) goods / services b) real estate business c) availability of crude oil at a dam cheap rate besides facilitation of conversion of currency. Q: What is the likely profile of a typical 4-1-9 victim?   The successful fraudulent cases so far unearthed relate to upfront fees / charges that were transferred to scammers. The modus operandi is that the applicant company / indiv idual receives letter by mail from a Nigerian citizen claiming himself a top notch of the Nigerian Government. In the mentioned letter, the so-called Nigerian high official informs the company that in order to have a contract, the individual or the company has to deposit upfront fees/charges that ranges from USD 10 to 60 million as a precondition of the Nigerian Government. The source of information about the victims is a) Trade bodies b) Commercial Attaches c) Trade directories etc. They focus on a number of traders / companies of the targeted countries and send them emails, faxes and emails impersonating themselves as the high ups of the concerned ministry of the Nigerian Government in general and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation in specific to strike a deal (â€Å"What is the ‘419’ Scam?†). The scammers invited victims to travel to the said country to materialize the transaction without going through the cumbersome procedure of seeking visa. By brib ing the airport officials, they ensure entrance of victims in their country. Since the entrance in the mentioned country without having a valid visa is a serious offence, therefore the scammers use it against the victim to cow him down for the release of proposed funds. Apart from said tactic they do not mind in applying other harmful tactics if need arises.  

Japanese political culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Japanese political culture - Essay Example The political system is segregated into three major divisions; the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. The legislative arm that is, the national diet supersedes the decisions of any other branch of the government. It is mandated in making constitutional amendments as well as passing the laws that govern the overall functions of the government. For one to be eligible to hold a position in the diet, the minimum age for joining the House of Representatives is 25 years while for joining the House of Councilors id 30 years. Nevertheless, the cabinet of ministers has the powers to dissolve the House of Representatives before their full term, while the house of councilors remains unaffected and can only be dissolved upon completion of its six-year term. In addition to the legislature, the cabinet also has powers to control the entire executive function of the government. It is headed by the prime minister who has the jurisdiction to appoint and dismiss ministers. He state ministe rs have chosen from the national diet their independence in making decisions is compromised. However, the Japanese constitution clearly states that cabinet should act autonomously for the purpose of ensuring quality service delivery to all people and not for certain interest groups. Therefore, the jobs of ministers and all other public servants are not affected by changes in political situations. The public service has to be vetted before assuming any responsibilities. Notably, the cabinet has 11 ministers who are deputized by two other officials.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Patch work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Patch work - Essay Example Additionally, the company uses marginal costing on sales/production basis to determine the cost of the variables whereas the fixed costs do not depend on the level of activity. This pitch will play a vital role to the investors in persuading them to finance the new product. Turnover measures the ability of a company to use its assets in generating sales (Wild, Bernstein &Subramayan, 2001). there are various turnover ratios that are useful to the investors which include accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover. The accounts receivable turnover of 0.94 shows that Martez Company is more efficient in managing its credit policy thus eliminating the possibility of realizing bad debts. This is a good indicator to the investors as they are assured that their resources will not be lost to the debtors who refuse to pay. Another turnover ratio is the inventory turnover ratio which is a ratio that shows the efficiency of the company in selling its products so as to generate sales that is the number of times that the inventories are converted into sales within a year. An inventory turnover of 1.25 implies that the Martez Company is very efficient in converting the inventory at hand into sales and therefore more revenue will be generated as shown in the forecast. The investors will be interested to see this forecast of the inventory turnover so as to know the how efficient Martez is in generating revenues. Profit margin is a profitability ratio that shows how effective the cost of production is controlled in relation to distribution and administration expenses and also the financing cost (Eriotis, 2005). One way of measuring the value of the business by using the assets on the balance sheet (Meigs & Meigs, 1993). The total value of the assets on the balance sheet are regarded as the company’s investment and therefore showing the true value of the company. Martez Company has total assets amounting to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Japanese political culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Japanese political culture - Essay Example The political system is segregated into three major divisions; the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. The legislative arm that is, the national diet supersedes the decisions of any other branch of the government. It is mandated in making constitutional amendments as well as passing the laws that govern the overall functions of the government. For one to be eligible to hold a position in the diet, the minimum age for joining the House of Representatives is 25 years while for joining the House of Councilors id 30 years. Nevertheless, the cabinet of ministers has the powers to dissolve the House of Representatives before their full term, while the house of councilors remains unaffected and can only be dissolved upon completion of its six-year term. In addition to the legislature, the cabinet also has powers to control the entire executive function of the government. It is headed by the prime minister who has the jurisdiction to appoint and dismiss ministers. He state ministe rs have chosen from the national diet their independence in making decisions is compromised. However, the Japanese constitution clearly states that cabinet should act autonomously for the purpose of ensuring quality service delivery to all people and not for certain interest groups. Therefore, the jobs of ministers and all other public servants are not affected by changes in political situations. The public service has to be vetted before assuming any responsibilities. Notably, the cabinet has 11 ministers who are deputized by two other officials.

Poverty and Income Inequality in South Korea Essay Example for Free

Poverty and Income Inequality in South Korea Essay South Korea is counted among the world’s leading economies alongside giants such as United States and Germany (Wiseman Nishiwaki, 2006). Before the financial crisis hit Asia in 1997, South Korea was among the fastest growing economies of the world with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate exceeding 5 percent (Kakwani, Khandker, Son). Kwack Lee (2007) report that income inequality had been reduced across the country before the financial crisis. Moreover, between the years 1965 and 2005, income inequality had not significantly increased. All the same, between the years 1998 and 2005, South Korea experienced a rise in income inequality seeing that the Asian financial crisis was massive in its scope (Kwack Lee, p. 20). Also, between the years 1990 and 1997, the percentage of South Korean people classified as poor had steadily decreased from 39. 6 percent to 8. 6 percent (Kakwani, Khandker, Son). South Korea was coming to be known as an â€Å"economy with relatively equal distribution of income and with full employment† (Kakwani, Khandker, Son). But, the Asian financial crisis naturally increased the number of poor people in the country. In fact, the percentage of poor increased to 19 percent in 1998; it was 13. 4 percent a year later (Kakwani, Khandker, Son). According to a study conducted by Kakwani, Khandker, Son, the poor of South Korea were disproportionately affected by the Asian financial crisis of 1997. Even though the South Korean economy started to grow again immediately after the crisis, the benefits of growth did not reach the poor as they did the rich. Then again, the government of South Korea introduced new welfare programs for the very poor during that time. The poor people of the country did not benefit from these programs, however. It was only the very poor that were positively impacted (Kakwani, Khandker, Son). What is more, contrary to the interpretation of income inequality statistics as presented by Kwack Lee, the International Monetary Fund has expressed great concern over this problem in South Korea during the present era of globalization (â€Å"Widening Inequality: IMF Acknowledges Downsides of Globalization,† 2007). A report published in Korea Times in October 2007 reads: †¦Many South Koreans believe the nation has no other choice but to pursue the international trend in a bid to survive fiercer competition with other countries. Policymakers are trying to open the local market wider to foreign products, while promoting sales of Korea, Inc. , under the spirit of freer trade. They go all-out to attract foreign investment by setting up free economic zones and international business towns. Businesses are also expanding their overseas networks for production, sales and investment under the motto of globalization. †¦In this regard, a recent IMF report caught the attention of economic policymakers, company executives, citizens and anti-globalization activists. Last week, the international body published its semiannual economic review, the World Economic Outlook, before the IMF and the World Bank meeting scheduled for Oct. 20-21. The IMF said in the report that technology and foreign investment are making income inequality worse around the world. The review tries to figure out why income inequality has widened in both rich and poor countries in the past two decades. It is the first time that the IMF has come up with such a report admitting to the negative effects of globalization. Over the past two decades, income inequality has risen in most regions and countries,’’ the report said. We can learn much from the report. We have to admit that South Korea has experienced widening income inequality, especially following the Asian financial woes. The income brackets have already been divided into 20 percent rich and 80 percent poor. That is the nation’s middle class has crumbled because the gap between the rich and poor widened. The 20-80 ratio is on the verge of moving to a 10-90 ratio, further worsening the income gap. In addition, businesses have exploited non-regular workers and migrant laborers from foreign countries who suffer from low wages, poor working conditions and other discrimination. A law protecting non-regular workers took effect in July, but little progress has been made to guarantee their equal rights. Policymakers will have to take bolder measures to narrow income inequality and tackle other negative effects of globalization. (â€Å"Widening Inequality: IMF Acknowledges Downsides of Globalization†) It is oft stated that globalization is accompanied by a widening gap between the haves and have-nots of the world. When a Korean farmer suddenly appeared during a meeting of World Trade Organization and committed suicide, the problems facing the global political economy were highlighted – that, in fact, the interests of the poor must be heeded, better than before. The farmer was wearing a shirt that read, â€Å"WTO KILLS FARMERS† (Cho, 2008, pp. x). After all, it is not uncommon for experts and non-experts alike to claim that the World Trade Organization does not represent the interests of the rich and the poor equally. Nevertheless, there is a limit to how much the World Trade Organization can do for the poorest people of the world. It is, in fact, for the government of South Korea to bear greater responsibility for poor Koreans. According to another news report published in South Korea in the year 2007, The wage disparity of the lower 10 percent of earners versus upper 10 percent rose to a factor of 5. 4 in 2006 from 4. 8 in 2001, meaning that wages for the top decile of earners were nearly five-and-a-half times greater than those of the lowest decile of earners†¦ (â€Å"A Look at South Korean Society, 20 Years after Democracy,† 2007) It is for the South Korean government not only to improve income distribution in the country but also to implement policies to end abuse as well as discrimination of the poorest workers. Individual income in South Korea rose fivefold between the years 1987 and 2007. But, South Korea has not made progress to end income inequality. The Gini coefficient is typically the statistical measure of choice to assess income distribution. A Gini coefficient of zero indicates perfectly equal income distribution, while a coefficient of 1 indicates perfectly inequality. In 1987, the year that South Korea became a democratic country, its Gini coefficient was 0. 31. By the year 1997, South Korea’s Gini coefficient had been reduced to 0. 28 as the country had made strides in reducing the gap between the haves and the have-nots. But then the Asian financial crisis ensued. By 2006, South Korea’s Gini coefficient was back to 0. 31. Although the size of the economy had grown from $500 billion to $800 billion, income distribution had been reduced between 1997 and 2006. Unsurprisingly, the poorest people of South Korea are confronting discrimination and abuse. After all, the rich are getting richer at the expense of the poor. As a matter of fact, exploitation of labor is reality in South Korea (â€Å"A Look at South Korean Society, 20 Years after Democracy†). Robert J. Barro, a professor of economics at Harvard University, explains that living standards across South Korea were raised with its dramatic rise in GDP. As examples, the infant mortality rate fell from 8 percent to 0. 8 percent and life expectancy rose from 54 years to 73 years. Additionally, income distribution in South Korea has been more equitable as compared to the United States and Japan. When individual income rose in South Korea, low-income groups were beneficiaries, too, and poverty was reduced (Barro, 2003). Then again, as we have already discussed, the Gini coefficient of South Korea in 2006 was the same as in 1987. This reveals that although the poor people of South Korea have higher wages now than before, the gap between the haves and the have-nots has not been narrowed. So, Professor Barro suggests that South Korea must work on improving its education system. If the poor people of South Korea have access to good quality education, it would be easier to improve income distribution. Moreover, the country needs to enhance corporate governance (Barro). These changes are sure to enhance working conditions and living standards of poor workers. Then again, South Korea may not be able to support half of its â€Å"elderly households† living â€Å"in a state of ‘relative poverty’† with these improvements (â€Å"Korea Highest in Elderly Poverty,† 2008). In fact, the income of these households is lower than 50 percent of average household income in the country. Although South Korea has a pension scheme for the elderly, the percentage of the poor that may benefit from the scheme is small. Because the traditions of South Korea demanded of children to take care of their parents upon reaching adulthood, the country does not have a developed social insurance system for the elderly. What is more, South Korea is aging fast. At least 7 percent of its poor are over 65 today (â€Å"Korea Highest in Elderly Poverty,† 2008). At the same time as social welfare programs remained underdeveloped, South Korea generated 3100 more people owning at least U. S. $1 million worth liquid assets between the years 2000 and 2001 (â€Å"Asian Millionaires: A Tough Bunch,† 2002). According to Australian Banking Finance, among the reasons for this rapid production of millionaires is increasing income inequality (â€Å"Asian Millionaires: A Tough Bunch,† 2002). To put it another way, corporate leaders are raising their organizational revenues, thanks in part to globalization, even as the poorest workers of their organizations continue to be paid low wages. In the year 2007, South Korea experienced the widest gap between the haves and the have-nots since the Asian financial crisis. In fact, the annual income of 20 percent of South Koreans earning the highest incomes was 5. 44 times greater than the annual income of the 20 percent that earned the lowest incomes. In 2006, the rich were earning 5. 38 times more than those that earn the least (â€Å"Income Gap at its Widest Point since 1999 Financial Crisis,† 2008). Analyzing the statistics, The Hankyoreh reports that income and wage gaps between 20 percent of the highest earners and 20 percent of the lowest earners had actually widened by 7. 9 percent and 11. 7 percent respectively between the years 2002 and 2007. What is more, statistics on income distribution in South Korea reveal that the richest people of the nation are earning more than the people of developed countries, while the poorest South Korean households have incomes that are equivalent to those of households in less developed countries. Even the World Bank has confirmed that poor South Koreans have the same living standards as those of the citizens of El Salvador or Gabon. Rich South Koreans, on the contrary, have the same living standards as New Zealanders and Australians (â€Å"Income Gap at its Widest Point since 1999 Financial Crisis†). Professor Barro’s analysis of income disparity in South Korea must be considered incomplete for the reason that there is no â€Å"decline in the burden of consumption on low-income households† (â€Å"Income Gap at its Widest Point since 1999 Financial Crisis†). These households pay their cellular phone and Internet bills with twice as much of their incomes as do rich households. Despite the fact that wages have increased – according to Barro – income disparity continues to widen. Son Tae-jeong, one of the researchers at the LG Economic Research Institute in South Korea, stated that salaries increased between the years 2006 and 2007 to boot. However, the poorest workers do not seem to have availed the benefits of the rise in salaries across the country (â€Å"Income Gap at its Widest Point since 1999 Financial Crisis†). South Korea has introduced necessary legislations to strengthen its social welfare programs. There are social security schemes which are insurance based and applicable only to certain occupational groups. These schemes cover pensions and healthcare among other things. The government of South Korea also offers subsidies for housing on a limited basis. But, most social security programs in the country only offer benefits related to earnings. Furthermore, these social security schemes are structured in a way that limits income redistribution from high-income to low-income groups (â€Å"Social Welfare in East Asia: Low Public Spending but Low Income Inequality,† 2008). Even though there are organizations across the country that continue to retain their unproductive workers, there is no way for them to cure the plague of poverty afflicting the elderly poor of South Korea (â€Å"Social Welfare in East Asia: Low Public Spending but Low Income Inequality†). The poor elderly South Koreans cannot be financially supported by their grown up kids because even though labor productivity and GDP have risen together, real wages have lagged behind (Chung, 2007, p. 228). Poor workers have low standards of living in any case, seeing that corporate leaders must focus on raising their own living standards even if they offer support to unproductive workers. Of course, as Barro has stated, education and corporate governance may work wonders in eradicating the problem of poverty facing the worker and his or her elderly parents in South Korea. Uneducated people usually have low living standards (Savada Shaw, 1990). Moreover, in the workplaces of South Korea, these people are â€Å"treated with open contempt by university graduate managers† (Savada Shaw). Increasing numbers of South Korean workers have migrated from agricultural farms to industrial establishments in recent years. Nevertheless, poverty has not been eradicated (Savada Shaw). Rather, the differences between the haves and the have-nots have remained. The Asian financial crisis had negatively impacted both the rich and the poor of South Korea. But, as mentioned before, the poor were disproportionately affected. Poor South Koreans had to reduce their spending by 9. 8 percent in the year 1998. The rich only reduced their spending by 0. 6 percent. Additionally, as soon as the Korean economy was back on its growth track, the rich are known to have greatly increased their spending. In point of fact, the consumption of luxury goods rose to the extent that sales of golf equipment were increased by 357. 6 percent between 1998 and 1999 (Yim, p. 32). The poor South Koreans, on the other hand, were left to their living standards resembling those of people in underdeveloped countries. Of a certainty, the government of South Korea must be formulating and implementing the kinds of policies required to resolve these structural economic issues once and for all. The country possesses the capacity to grow beyond expectations. But, at the same time, income inequality and poverty create such a burden that a South Korean farmer came to commit suicide at a meeting of the World Trade Organization. The rich capitalists of South Korea pay low wages to workers who go on increasing their productivity nevertheless. Furthermore, poor, uneducated workers are abused and exploited in the South Korean workplace. By instituting good corporate governance programs, the government of South Korea may very well correct this problem. After all, it is because of the poor workers’ motivation to increase productivity that has made South Korea one of the most important economies in the world today. The country would not be able to sustain its economic position if it fails to heed its workers’ needs. References A Look at South Korean Society, 20 Years after Democracy. (2007, Jun 8). The Hankyoreh. 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Monday, October 14, 2019

Postoperative Pain Management Case Study

Postoperative Pain Management Case Study Introduction Postoperative pain management is the main issue in the case study of Josie Elliot, a 26 years old woman who had a surgery for internal fixation of fractured right wrist- the radius and scaphoid bones.Therefore, this assignment mainly describes the importance of pain management in post-operative care and also discusses the possible effects of unrelieved pain in the case of Josie Elliot. This writing further explains the process of making clinical judgement using the Tanners Model (2006) and discusses its application in the management of Josies postoperative pain management. This assignment also includes three progress notes to document the main clinical events that occurred in three different shifts while managing Josie’s pain. Importance of pain control in post-operative care and the potential effects of uncontrolled pain for Josie Elliot:(298 words) Managing postoperative pain is an essential component of the postoperative care for various reasons. According to Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (2013), effective management of post-surgery pain may reduce the incidence of postoperative morbidity and facilitate earlier discharge from hospital. Some other advantages of effective post-surgery pain control include an increased patient comfort and satisfaction, earlier mobilisation, few pulmonary and cardiac complications, a reduced risk of deep vein thrombosis, faster recovery with less possibility of the developing neuropathic pain and reduced cost of care (Ramsay 2000). Furthermore, the information-subjective and objective, collected during the post-surgery pain management also supports the plan of care using the evidence based nursing practice (Vaughn 2007). In contrast, unrelieved acute pain can prolong hospital stay,delay return to normal activity, lower satisfaction with care and give additional financial burden (Ritchey 2006). This can have long-lasting effects on physical, emotional, social and spiritual state of the person involved and his or her family and carers. In the case of Josie, who is right handed will need assistance with self-care. She may feel the loss of her autonomy and she may be worried if she can ever do soccer and swimming again. There are also some adverse physiological effects of uncontrolled pain. A patient could suffer from include tachycardia, hypertension, hyperventilation, decrease in alveolar ventilation, transition to chronic pain, poor wound healing, and insomnia (Shoar, Esmaeili Safari 2012). Unrelieved pain also causes stress( ) and in response to the stress, hormones-cortisol and glucagon are released. These hormones can lead to numerous problems including insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and postoperative complications (Dunwoody et al. 2008). In the case of Josie, who is a diabetic, the consequences of insulin resistance and hyperglycemia can not be overlooked because studies indicate that patients with poorly-controlled diabetes experience increased levels of postoperative pain and need higher doses of morphine to achieve optimal pain relief (Holt 2012). Tanners Clinical Judgement Model explains the way nurses make a clinical judgement. Noticing, interpreting, responding, and reflecting are the four pillars of clinical judgement. Noticing is the process of becoming conscious of the situation. Interpreting is making sense of what is noticed and selecting a course of action. Responding is the process of acting on the situation while beginning the first phase of reflecting on the action and the results of the action to allow for modifying the intervention. Reflecting includes both reflecting in action and reflecting on action, allowing the nurse to make sense of and learn from the experience (Tanner 2006). Clinical judgement is recommended when deciding on an intervention to manage postoperative pain being mindful of factors such as side effects, risk of adverse events and patients needs and preferences (Chen 2013).The management of postoperative pain by nurses includes assessment of pain and decision making in regards to the need and type of pain relief. Nurses, where allowed are also involved in prescribing analgesia for pain management (Chen 2013). Noticing Noticing is the skill that develops over time and is amalgamation of background knowledge, contextual knowledge, and knowing the patient. This synthesis creates expectations about what the nurse is likely to encounter in the patient situation. Background knowledge includes comprehensive knowledge of appropriate physiology and pathophysiology, pharmacology, psychology, standards of practice, and past experiences. Contextual information is very useful in promoting early recognition. Finally, knowing the patient and the patients typical pattern of behaviour allows the nurse to notice when something is happening. For example, if the nurse is caring for an elderly patient who has been alert and oriented but is now drowsy and responds unclearly to the questions, the change in the way the patient responds can alert the nurse to potential complications. In the case of Josie, after the surgery, all her observations-Blood Glucose Level, vital signs and neurovascular limb obs are returning to n ormal, however her pain is increasing. Her pain rating has increased from â€Å"no pain† at 1100 hours to â€Å"some discomfort in the wrist’† at 1600 hours. She complains of â€Å"heavy aches† at 1800 hours and rates the pain 6 out of 10 on pain scale. Interestingly, she was given IV morphine 10 mg at recovery at 1030 hours. Interpreting Interpreting may include analytical, intuitive, or narrative reasoning. The nurse makes a conclusion based on an initial grasp of the situation and continues to refine this understanding while gathering additional data, acting to remedy the problem, and watching the results of his or her actions. The process of interpretation may require further patient assessment and may lead to interventions that may or may not relieve the problem. The patients response to the interventions may trigger further noticing and assessment. For example, if the patient complains of chest pain and the nurse knows that the patient had heart surgery the previous day, the nurse may interpret the pain as postsurgical pain and medicate the patient for that while continuing to monitor for signs such as relief or non-relief of pain. In the case of Josie, the pain is localised to her wrist and it is increasing. An experienced nurse can interpret the reason for increasing pain as inappropriate dosing interval of an algesia because she has not been provided with any analgesia since she had IV morphine at 1030 hours at recovery. Responding The third process in clinical judgement is responding. Responding is based on the nurses interpretation of what was noticed as well as on planned assessments. The nurse determines a course of action and implements the plan while watching patient responses. As the situation becomes clear, the nurse will modify actions or reevaluate the situation if the desired results are not obtained. In the case of Josie, a prudent nurse should administer IV morphine 5 mg immediately after confirming that she has not been given any analgesia since 1030 hours. This will rapidly decrease her pain and make her comfortable. Then half an hour later the pain level should be reassessed. She should be given paracetamol 1gram 6 hourly and tramadol 100 mg 8 hourly until she does not complain of pain and swelling disappears. This approach of combining opioid and one or more drugs such as paracetamol and tramadol to relieve pain is called multimodal pain relief. This combination may improve pain relief and redu ce the side effects by reducing the need for opioids such as morphine (Mayo Clinic 2014). Reflecting The fourth process in clinical judgement is reflecting. Reflection occurs both during the action and afterwards. Reflection during the action is known as â€Å"reflection-in-action† and it helps nurses to evaluate the effectiveness of their nursing intervention by reading the response of the patient and improve the response in the moment. Reflection afterward is known as â€Å"reflection-on-action† and it gives the nurse an opportunity to think about how the outcomes could have been improved. This awareness prepares nurse to learn from his or her own experiences. Learning from the experience can then be integrated with the nurses background knowledge and be available for use in future situations. In the case of Josie, a prudent nurse will â€Å"reflect in action† by combining two or more analgesics and References Chen, Z 2013, Post-operative Pain Management: Nursing Interventions, systematic review, viewed 26 August 2014, . Shoar, S., Esmaeili, S. Safari, S. 2012, Pain Management After Surgery: A Brief Review, Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, vol. 1, no.3, pp. 184-6 Dunwoody et al. 2008, Assessment, Physiological Monitoring, and Consequences of Inadequately Treated Acute Pain,Pain Management Nursing, vol. 9(1), pp. 11-21 Holt,P. 2012, Pre and post-operative needs of patients with diabetes,Nursing Standard, vol. 26, pp. 50-6 Mayo Clinic 2014, Pain medications after surgery, viewed 30 August 2014,> Ramsay, A.E 2000, ‘Acute postoperative pain management’,Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings, vol.13, no.3, pp: 244–7. Ritchey, R. M. 2006, ‘Optimizing postoperative pain management’, Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, vol.73, no.1, pp. 72-6 Vaughn, F., Wichowski, H. Bosworth, G. 2007, ‘Does Preoperative anxiety level predict postoperative pain?’, AORN Journal, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 589-90.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Goal setting Essay -- essays research papers

Why Should I set my goals? Saying I’m going to have $5 million by retirement is not goal setting. Although it might sound like I have a goal, not developing a realistic path toward fulfilling it will, unfortunately, turn my supposed goal into what it really is--a pipe dream. And pipe dreams are rarely realized. Goals, however, when properly set can usually be met. Goal setting is the term commonly given for the process of setting and working towards specific, defined goals. Pretty simple really. What is difficult, however, is getting people to sit down and actually do it, even though it fits with human nature. When we want to go on a trip, we look at a map and plan our route. If we get lost, we recheck our map. When we want to build a model, we orderly follow the steps. When all is done, our human nature wins out: we reach our destination, and the model is correctly built. By learning the skills of goal setting, developing success habits, and maintaining a goal-setting routine we can have the map to success. A map that will guide us straight to the achievement of all the goals we desire and deserve. Where Do I Start I started by getting it into my mind that I deserve success /complete my certification, and that success is something I can achieve. I have a strong belief that I can reach this success, and prepared to determine the path towards that success. I am willing to accept that I can finish the certification, and I'll enjoy being successful, and I am willing to es... Goal setting Essay -- essays research papers Why Should I set my goals? Saying I’m going to have $5 million by retirement is not goal setting. Although it might sound like I have a goal, not developing a realistic path toward fulfilling it will, unfortunately, turn my supposed goal into what it really is--a pipe dream. And pipe dreams are rarely realized. Goals, however, when properly set can usually be met. Goal setting is the term commonly given for the process of setting and working towards specific, defined goals. Pretty simple really. What is difficult, however, is getting people to sit down and actually do it, even though it fits with human nature. When we want to go on a trip, we look at a map and plan our route. If we get lost, we recheck our map. When we want to build a model, we orderly follow the steps. When all is done, our human nature wins out: we reach our destination, and the model is correctly built. By learning the skills of goal setting, developing success habits, and maintaining a goal-setting routine we can have the map to success. A map that will guide us straight to the achievement of all the goals we desire and deserve. Where Do I Start I started by getting it into my mind that I deserve success /complete my certification, and that success is something I can achieve. I have a strong belief that I can reach this success, and prepared to determine the path towards that success. I am willing to accept that I can finish the certification, and I'll enjoy being successful, and I am willing to es...